
Do not give up sports training in blistering  summer- safety tips

While many of us spend day staying away from sweltering sun as much  as possible there are some of us specially athletes who sweat it out on fields to make us proud.

Though continuous

training for these high level elite athletes is paramount, they need to be careful to prevent risk of heat exhaustion and in extreme cases risk of heat stroke also called as circulatory collapse. Safety is paramount and fortunately there are some tips which can keep these sportsman and women safe.

Most important for everyone specially those out in fields is “hydration”. Lots of fluids before, during and after practice is essential to prevent heat related health scares.

One has to be very vigilant about spotting any symptoms of heat related illness like nausea, tiredness, feeling dizzy or light headed. The person  should be immediate taken off the filed to a cool place and hydration should start as son as possible while medical attention is being organised. They should not be allowed to reach the stage of heat stroke where they display hot, dry and red skin or stopped sweating (a serious symptom) of heat stroke.

The high amount of fluids is important to make up the losses during sweating. This ensures the blood volume is enough to support  our circulation.

As a rough rule double the volume of otherwise routine fluid intake. Do not wait to feel thirsty to reach out for water. This may be too late for getting properly hydrated. Water is best choice when choosing what to consume as fluid. Those trendy looking sports fluids containing electrolyte and other stuffs are only for occasional use. One should definitely avoid any fluid containing caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic meaning it make us pass more urine causing fluid loss.

There are some more  important measures which one can take –

Avoid sun if there is option of a shaded area or prefer early morning or evenings sessions if possible.

Along with drinking water carry something to spray water or carry a cool wet cloth to intermittently moist the skin .

Consume a light and healthy meal before starting the session.

In case you feel any weather related symptoms, do not continue. Seek immediate help and move out of sun.

Thermometers are not accurate about predicting weather conditions. Humidity plays even bigger role in making your body perceive actual exertion and heat.

Take frequent breaks and wear light colored clothing preferably made up of natural fiber like cotton. This allows to make your dress breathable.

Sun screens with good sun protection have to be applied.

Even in summer pre activity  stretching and warming up is essential to condition muscles and tendons to avoid sports injury. It is important not to subject your body to sudden change in temperature. Give your body some time to cool down before entering an air conditioned room from ground. Follow these simple tips and stay healthy and safe without taking  a break from your sports sessions.

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