sports injuries

Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are damage to tissues of body which happen during a physical activity. The person involved can be a professional sportsman, a recreational player or someone involve in exercises. Just imagine playing a few badminton overhead shots and feeling a sore shoulder. It can be a sore ankle, knee or spine.

Sprains are sudden stretching injuries to ligaments, the tough bands connecting bones of the joint. Strains or pulled muscles are injuries to muscle fibers or tendons, which anchor muscles to bones.
Most common sports injuries are like ankle sprain, Hamstring strain (Back of thigh), Shin splints, Knee injury: ACL tear, Patellofemoral (kneecap )syndrome —resulting from the repetitive bending of knee or Tennis elbow / Tendinitis of Shoulder.

Important things are to prevent these injuries and treat them.

Every workout should start with a gentle warm-up to prevent common sports injuries, getting warmed up increases blood flow to the muscles, gets you more flexible, and could decrease injuries.

In case of injuries, RICE therapy of Rest, Ice packs, Compression and Elevation works very well. If problem still persists one should consult a medical expert

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